Our Governors
The Governing Board is made up of a group of volunteers who are appointed by the Board, all have different skills and experience. The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)
Our Chair of Governors is Carol Gotheridge. If you are interested in becoming a Governor and supporting our school please speak to the Headteacher Clare Hamilton or Clerk to Governors Jo Straw. Alternatively please email: admin@lordstreet.derby.sch.uk All governors are appointed by the Full Governing Board.
The governing body is accountable for the way in which the school’s resources are allocated to meet the objectives set out in the school’s development plans. Governors need to secure the best possible outcome for pupils, in the most efficient and effective way, at a reasonable cost. Governors apply the principles of Best Value to do this.
If you would like to view the Governing Body’s Best Value statement Please click Here
Meet the team . . . . .
Clare Hamilton (Head Teacher)
Carol Gotheridge (Chair)
Carol was a Nursery Teacher for 26 years working in nursery, infant & primary schools, before becoming a Family Learning Co-ordinator and then Peep Co-ordinator. Twenty two of these years were in Derby schools. Carol led and delivered the Peep initiative within the city, which was part of the core offer of the children’s centres, for more than 12 years. The programme supports the city’s early intervention strategy, by working with parents/carers to improve outcomes for children. Carol retired as Peep Co-ordinator from Derby City Council in 2016.
From 2016-2020 Carol continued as a volunteer member of Derby’s Children’s Centres Advisory Boards and School Readiness Locality groups, and as a freelance trainer with Peeple, delivering Peep for Practitioner training nationally, including training for a Randomised Controlled Trial, using the Peep Learning Together Programme. Carol wrote bespoke Peep Progression Pathway course packs to support adult learning for parents of under fives and produced reports for Peeple, linking the UK STEM Policy with the Peep Learning Together Programme. Carol now indulges her passion for early years education spending very precious time with her grandchildren.
Carol joined the Governing Board on the 29th September 2014. On the 7th February 2017 Carol agreed to take on the role of Chair of Governors. Carol sits on the Finance, Personnel, Curriculum and Performance Management Committees. Governor responsible for SEND & EYPP. Minute writer for Finance Committee meetings.
Appointed by the board. Co opted Governor. Term ends 23rd September 2028
Chair of Governors, Governor responsible for Safeguarding, Health & Safety and EYPP
Debbie Leeney ( Co-opted Governor)
Debbie taught at Lord Street for just over 20 years and has been instrumental in shaping Lord Street into the nursery that it is today. Debbie was voted onto the board on the 6th November 2013 and this was renewed on the 25th September 2019 for a further 4-year term.
Appointed by the board. Co opted Governor Term ends 30th September 2026
Lindsey Moore (Staff Governor)
Lindsey is the Senior Teacher and SENDCO at Lord Street. She has been at Lord Street since 2011 Lindsey joined the board in January 2020 for a four-year term.
Appointed by the board. Staff Governor. Term ends 1st January 2026
Jennifer Wilson (Parent Governor)
Jenny joined the Board in February 2022 for a two year term. A parent governor, Jenny brings the perspective of a parent of a child in Early Years Education, and a genuine and personal interest in how Lord Street Nursery maintain its high standards. Following a ten-year career in training and improving IT systems in manufacturing and construction, Jenny recently left the world of IT to spend more time at home with her daughter. She has since enjoyed becoming more involved in her community roles as secretary at a local church and here at Lord Street Community Nursery School as governor. Jenny says that it has been a real privilege to be more a part of the Lord Street community and seeing more and more about the work and commitment that goes into keeping this nursery a happy, safe and thriving environment for each and every child that goes through their doors.
Appointed by the board. Parent Governor. Term ends 17th February 2026
Kim O'Malley
Appointed by the board as a Parent Governor Term ends 13th December 2028
Governor responsible for SEND
Jo Straw (Clerk to Governors)
Jo is employed at the school as the School Business Manager.
Contact: admin@lordstreet.derby.sch.uk or telephone the school on 01332 349 363
Governing Board Meetings
The Governing Board have agreed that, whilst meetings are continuing remotely, all items that would ordinarily be considered at Committee meetings will be considered at Full Governing Board meetings. These are currently being held via remotely Teams.
Full Governing Board Terms of Reference Please click here
Finance Committee Terms of Reference Please click here
Personnel Committee Terms of Reference Please click here
Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference Please click here
For Register of Attendance Please click here
For Register of Attendance prior to July 2023 Please click here
Standing Orders 2024/25 Please click here
For the Board’s Register of Interests Forms Please click here
Those who have stepped down from the Governing Board
Lisa Bailey – Chair of Governors/SEND Governor/ sat on all committees – stepped down – 29th January 2017
Kellie Fields – Parent Governor/Curriculum Committee – stepped down – 14th January 2017
Bob McDonald – Vice-Chair/Health & safety Governor/Performance Management – stepped down – 15th July 2016
Kim Hilton – Parent Governor – stepped down 26th July 2017
Josephine Walker – Parent Governor – stepped down 26th July 2017
Jo Zurawska – Clerk to Governors stepped down 8th September 2017
Laura Howes – Staff Governor – stepped down 31st December 2019
Sarah Horgan Governor stepped down September 2021
Jess Richmond Parent Governor Stepped down September 2021
Sue Miller-Jones LA Governor - Stepped down 4th February 2022
Deirdre Malley Headteacher 2nd September 2023
Fiona Colton - Stepped down 27th November 2024
Bob MacDonald - Stepped down 3rd February 2025
School Finance
The number of Lord Street employees whose gross salary exceeds £100,000 or more is NIL
Link to Schools Financial Benchmarking Page Please click here