Lord Street

Lord Street

Nursery School

Welcome to Lord Street Nursery

Lord Street Allenton, Derby, DE24 9AX


01332 349363



We provide a secure foundation for learning by planning for a rich and varied environment in which children can fulfil their potential.

We organise the nursery curriculum by planning around the 7 areas of learning of the Foundation Stage:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication, language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Understanding the World

This ensures a broad and balanced curriculum which reflects the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We encourage children to use the whole nursery for their learning. Activities reflect children’s interest and this stimulates and motivates the children’s learning.

Small group stories and singing sessions focus on developing the children’s literacy, numeracy, creativity and social skills.

Our Outdoor provision is a vital component to our curriculum. We encourage the children to access our garden in all weathers and provide appropriate clothing. The outdoors offers freedom to explore and investigate, to imagine and collaborate and to use all their senses and the whole of their bodies.

Promoting Fundamental British Values

The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are implicitly embedded in the EYFS personal, social and emotional development area of learning. We promote these values in our daily practice through:-

Democracy- through the EYFS aspect of making decisions together. We do this through the EYFS aspect of making relationships. We offer many activities in Nursery which encourage children to listen to each other, negotiate, take turns and share eg at the creative area, block play, and role play. We play games that actively encourage turn-taking. Children are encouraged to ask questions and develop enquiry in their play. Adults support this modelling how to reflect on the thoughts and ideas children express and by asking children what they think. At family time, children are actively encouraged to listen to one another and to take turns speaking. Decisions are made as a group for example choosing which song to sing.

Parents too have a voice and know that they are listened to - through questionnaires, evaluation sheets, parents meetings and when we welcome them at the door each day.

Upholding the rule of law – through the EYFS aspect of managing feelings and behaviour. We have simple but effective rules in Nursery that are followed by everyone. The staff are consistent and demonstrate high expectations. We positively encourage and praise children’s behaviour eg good listening, good waiting, whilst also explaining to the child why it was good. Any new rules are discussed and agreed upon with the children. They will discuss the reason for the rule and the consequences of not adhering. Adults spend time talking about the consequences of children’s actions for example when someone gets hurt by another child and how they might feel. Stories are also used sometimes to talk about right and wrong.

Individual Liberty- Freedom for all –through the EYFS aspect of self-confidence and self-awareness Children are supported to develop a positive sense of themselves and are rewarded for both effort and achievement. WOW moments are shared in Nursery, at Family time, with parents, in their Learning stories and on displays. Parents also share photographs from home about WOW moments and they are displayed in Nursery. At Family time children are encouraged to share what they have been learning during the session. We develop self-awareness with the children through encouraging independent choice of activity and resources and also taking responsibility to tidy away at the end.

Mutual respect and tolerance- through the EYFS aspect of making relationships and understanding the world areas of learning. Staff explicitly explain the importance of respecting others values and opinions and sharing are role models in this. We promote an awareness and tolerance of other cultures through stories, factual books, and resources from other cultures and visitors. We celebrate festivals from a range of cultures. We make sure books challenge stereotypes in gender and race. Staff encourage and explain the importance of sharing and respecting others and act as role models in this.

We are an inclusive enhanced resource nursery for children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) and all our children develop an awareness and understanding of disabilities.

To read our curriculum policies, please visit our Policies page


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